didn't countries with less inequality e.g Northern European social democratic states also have productivity slowdown?

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Large oligopolistic firms should be coerced into higher levels of research&investment. Large monopolistic firms have some of the funding/time horizon advantages of governments, while also having some advantages in terms of their executives' authority over work arrangements and investment decisions being stronger than elected officials' authority over state bureaucracies.

Forms of consumption/investment such as apartments and condos should be legal in many more places.

Much more paternalism about alcohol would be helpful. More beer gardens, maybe, and 1-3 beer limit drinking at corner stores but way less liquor. Maybe tax liquor heavily to fund after-school programs or something

Much more mask-wearing to reduce flu, cold, and other sicknesses

Revisit some of the regulation of stocks that the US did after the Dotcom bust. Maybe firms are going public too slowly now.

Policies that encourage more family formation, child-rearing.

Having a big military budget but not killing a bunch of people.

Aussie-style immigration system but weight it towards bringing in a bunch of Chinese and Pakistani women to shrink our enemies a bit


Giving everyone medical insurance via government should improve general creditworthiness if medical problems are as big a cause of bankruptcy as is often claimed

Subsidize coffee and black tea more

Try to disperse poor populations by, say, issuing many more section 8 vouchers and making rules limiting concentration

More regulation of entertainment media, internet media, porn. Why should there be rap radio stations if the highest quality rap music promotes violence, criminality, emotional abuse, and narcissm? Why should there be porn if it's addictive, distracting, and unnecessary for masturbation? Social media depressed and distracts people, too. More regulation of machine gambling. Youtube, Facebook, etc should be letting people know about good job opportunities

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Okay, so how do we transition to this? :D

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