A good try, but the fundamental missing area of consideration is that it isn't "people" who are the problem in "flouting" cultural norms - it is the wealthy and powerful.

50% of the population being poor and paying no taxes doesn't really matter; 0.1% of the population holding 25% of the wealth - not paying taxes - is.

Historically, the primary contribution of the poor was in corvee labor.

The CCC, prior to World War 2, is an excellent modern example.

I posit no particular conclusions but would simply note that blatant and brazen misbehavior by those same 0.1% - both in shaping societal mores and in generating mistrust in the equity of society - would seem a more likely candidate for cause of decline than generalized "people" and their "moral" decline.

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Mike Duncan wrote a history of decline of the Roman Republic due to declining norms called "The storm before the storm"


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